Cell is a thrilling 2016 apocalyptic horror film directed by Tod Williams. The storyline revolves around an artist named Clayton Riddell, who finds himself trapped in a world gone mad after a mysterious cell phone signal causes chaos and turns people into violent zombies. Determined to survive and reunite with his young son, Clayton embarks on a dangerous journey through New England.
The film is based on the novel of the same name by Stephen King and presents a unique take on the zombie genre. As Clayton encounters other survivors along the way, they learn that the cell phone signal, known as The Pulse, has transformed normal individuals into mindless killers. With society collapsing around them, Clayton and his companions must navigate through the now-deserted streets, facing numerous perilous encounters with the infected.
As the group travels, they discover that the infected have formed a strange and unified collective mind. With each passing moment, the danger escalates, and the survivors must find a way to outsmart and evade the deadly hordes. Throughout their journey, they encounter not only the physical threats of the infected but also the psychological toll it takes on their own sanity.
Filled with suspenseful sequences, intense action, and psychological thrills, Cell is a gripping and engaging film that explores the devastation and chaos caused by a sinister cell phone signal. Will Clayton successfully reunite with his son amidst a collapsing world, or is their fate sealed in this apocalyptic nightmare?
Also Known As:
CellRelease Date:
10 Jun 2016Writers:
Stephen King (based on the novel by), Stephen King (screenplay by), Adam Alleca (screenplay by)