In the midst of World War II, a determined Steve Rogers is frustrated by his continual rejection for military service due to his physical limitations. However, his life takes a dramatic turn when he is recruited by Dr. Erskine for a secret project called Project Rebirth. Rogers undergoes an experiment that enhances his weak body, turning him into a superhuman with extraordinary strength, courage, and intelligence.
Tragedy strikes when Dr. Erskine is assassinated by an agent of Nazi Germany's HYDRA research department, led by the villainous Red Skull. With his newfound abilities, Rogers is initially misused as a propaganda mascot, but when his comrades are in need, he embarks on a thrilling adventure that earns him the title of Captain America. His mission becomes a personal war against Red Skull, seeking to stop the villain's plans for world domination.
Captain America: The First Avenger is an exhilarating film set during the height of World War II, highlighting the journey of Steve Rogers as he transforms from an ordinary person into a symbol of hope and strength. The movie explores themes of heroism, sacrifice, and the fight against evil. With its action-packed sequences and compelling storyline, it captivates audiences of all ages.
Witness the birth of an iconic superhero as Captain America battles against the forces of evil in a thrilling and heartwarming tale of bravery and patriotism. Join Steve Rogers on this captivating adventure that will leave you cheering for the red, white, and blue.
Also Known As:
Captain America: The First AvengerRelease Date:
22 Jul 2011Writers:
Christopher Markus, Stephen McFeely, Joe SimonAwards:
4 wins & 50 nominations