In the movie Canaries (2017), an exciting blend of science fiction and comedy, viewers are taken on a thrilling adventure that unfolds during a New Year's Eve celebration in a picturesque Welsh valley. As the clock counts down to midnight and revelers gather for a night of fun, an unexpected event occurs - the arrival of an alien invasion.
The film follows a group of friends attending the party, who quickly realize that they are in the midst of a dangerous and otherworldly situation. With the invaders disguised as the party-goers themselves, tensions rise as paranoia sets in. Unable to trust anyone, the friends must rely on their wits and survival instincts to uncover the truth and fight off the extraterrestrial threat.
Canaries explores the themes of trust, deception, and the resilience of the human spirit in the face of adversity. The movie combines elements of suspense, humor, and action, providing audiences with a unique and gripping cinematic experience.
Directed by Peter Stray, Canaries offers a fresh take on the alien invasion genre, injecting it with humor and Welsh charm. The film provides a captivating storyline and well-developed characters, ensuring that viewers will be on the edge of their seats from start to finish.
With its engaging plot, talented cast, and clever twists, Canaries is a must-watch for fans of science fiction and comedy alike. Be prepared to be taken on a thrilling journey that will keep you guessing until the very end.
Also Known As:
CanariesRelease Date:
05 Mar 2019Writers:
Peter Stray