Call of Heroes is an action-packed movie set during the warlords era in China. The film revolves around a village called Pucheng, which finds itself in a perilous situation when its military force is sent to the front lines, leaving the villagers defenseless. This vulnerability is exploited by the merciless commandant Cao and his army, who arrive in the village and start killing innocent people.
The film centers around the brave guardians of Pucheng, who are determined to seek justice and protect their homeland. Despite being outnumbered and outgunned, they rise up against Cao and his forces. The movie showcases their struggle and the sacrifices they make to defend their village and the principles they hold dear.
Call of Heroes combines thrilling action sequences with powerful storytelling, exploring themes of heroism, justice, and sacrifice. It immerses the viewers in the rich historical backdrop of warlords-era China and highlights the resilience of ordinary people when faced with extraordinary challenges.
Featuring a talented cast led by acclaimed actors Sean Lau, Louis Koo, and Eddie Peng, the movie offers intense performances and breathtaking fight scenes. With its gripping plot and memorable characters, Call of Heroes is a must-watch for fans of martial arts films and historical dramas.