Call Jane is a thought-provoking drama set in America during a time when legal abortions were unavailable for women. The storyline revolves around a married woman who finds herself facing an unwanted pregnancy. Confronted with limited options due to restrictive laws, she teams up with a group of suburban women determined to find a solution.
Set in an era when access to safe and legal abortions was fiercely limited, Call Jane sheds light on the struggles faced by women during that time. The film explores the emotional and moral dilemmas these women encounter, as they navigate a society that denies them control over their own bodies.
The protagonist's journey unfolds as she connects with a group of women who come together to support one another and seek assistance. Through their collective resilience, they decide to take matters into their own hands, forging a path to find the help they desperately need.
Call Jane captures the strength and courage of these women, along with the power of unity in the face of adversity. It delves deep into the personal experiences and challenges of its characters without revealing spoilers, ensuring an engaging and thought-provoking cinematic experience.
This compelling drama shines a light on a significant chapter in American history, highlighting the ongoing fight for reproductive rights and the lengths women have had to go to secure their autonomy. With its compelling performances and powerful message, Call Jane is a must-watch film that will resonate with audiences.
Also Known As:
Call JaneRelease Date:
28 Oct 2022Writers:
Hayley Schore, Roshan SethiAwards:
2 nominations