Bully (2001) is a riveting crime drama set in a small Florida town. Marty, who has endured relentless abuse from his best friend Bobby, decides he's had enough. Alongside his girlfriend, who has also been a victim of Bobby's cruelty, they devise a plan to murder him. They enlist the help of a group of individuals, some eager to participate and others more reluctant.
As they plot their revenge, the group is forced to confront the potential consequences of their actions. They grapple with the moral implications and the possibility of getting caught. Will they be able to go through with their plan, or will their consciences get the better of them?
Bully tackles themes of abuse, revenge, and the dark impulses that can emerge from toxic relationships. The film explores the complexities of human relationships and the fine line between right and wrong. It delves into the psychology of the characters and the inner turmoil they face as they navigate their dangerous path.
Directed by Larry Clark and based on a true story, Bully is a gritty and thought-provoking film that delves into the depths of human behavior. Brace yourself for a gripping and intense cinematic experience.