Bullet Train is an electrifying action thriller set on a high-speed bullet train, bustling with adrenaline and suspense. The film revolves around five assassins, each with their own unique mission, who unexpectedly discover a distinctive connection between their targets. As the train hurtles towards its destination, tension rises, and alliances are forged and broken.
Through heart-stopping action sequences, Bullet Train captures the intense cat-and-mouse game of survival, as the assassins must navigate an intricate web of secrets and double-crosses. With time running out and danger lurking around every corner, the film keeps viewers on the edge of their seats.
Directed by David Leitch, known for his expertise in crafting gripping action sequences (John Wick and Atomic Blonde), Bullet Train boasts an exceptional ensemble cast. Starring Brad Pitt, Sandra Bullock, Lady Gaga, and Zazie Beetz, among others, the film offers a star-studded and dynamic performance that adds depth to the characters and their gripping storylines.
Bullet Train promises to be a thrilling ride, filled with unexpected twists and gripping suspense. With its fast-paced action and a unique premise that gradually reveals the hidden connections between the assassins, this movie guarantees an exhilarating cinematic experience that will keep viewers glued to their screens from start to finish.
Also Known As:
Bullet TrainRelease Date:
05 Aug 2022Writers:
Zak Olkewicz, Kôtarô Isaka