Breaking Through (2015) is a coming-of-age dance drama that revolves around Casey, a talented young dancer who is discovered on YouTube by a rising talent scout. The story explores Casey's journey as she is thrust into the fast-paced and glamorous world of internet celebrity and culture.
As Casey's popularity on social media platforms quickly rises, she finds herself struggling to maintain a balance between her true identity and her online persona. The movie delves deep into the challenges and pressures faced by the YouTube generation, including the loss of personal identity and the potential consequences of sacrificing authenticity for fame.
Breaking Through not only showcases stunning dance sequences but also delves into complex themes such as self-discovery, personal integrity, and the true meaning of success. Viewers will join Casey as she navigates this new world and learns valuable lessons about friendship, love, and staying true to oneself.
Directed by John Swetnam, Breaking Through explores the struggles and triumphs of a talented young dancer, offering an honest portrayal of the challenges faced by young artists in the age of social media. This moving and visually captivating film is a must-watch for dance enthusiasts and fans of honest coming-of-age stories.