Boyz in the Wood (2019) is an anarchic and hip-hop inspired comedy that takes viewers on a thrilling adventure. The story follows four city boys who embark on a wilderness trek in a bid to escape from a mysterious huntsman. As they venture deeper into the Scottish Highlands, they quickly realize that they are not alone. With their lives at stake, the boys must use their wits and resourcefulness to overcome various obstacles and survive.
The film is filled with hilarious moments and clever humor, infused with a hip-hop vibe that adds a unique touch. The characters, each with their own quirks, provide a great ensemble dynamic and their camaraderie shines through as they face challenges together.
Boyz in the Wood showcases stunning landscapes of the Scottish Highlands, which serve as the backdrop for the group's misadventures. Additionally, the film also explores themes of friendship, self-discovery, and the clash between urban and rural lifestyles. This blend of humor, action, and exploration makes it an entertaining and engaging watch for audiences of all ages.
Directed by Ninian Doff, Boyz in the Wood offers a fresh and unique take on the comedy genre. With its energetic pace, hilarious dialogue, and a captivating storyline, the film is sure to leave viewers entertained and wanting more.
Also Known As:
Boyz in the WoodRelease Date:
28 Aug 2020Writers:
Ninian DoffAwards:
2 wins & 2 nominations