Bliss (2021) is a mind-bending and enchanting love story centered around Greg, a man whose life has taken an unfortunate turn with recent divorce and unemployment. The trajectory of his life shifts when he comes across Isabel, a woman living on the streets and firmly believing that the world they inhabit is nothing more than a computer-generated simulation.
Intrigued by Isabel's conviction and her unyielding claims about the polluted and broken state of their surroundings, Greg finds himself drawn into a perplexing journey of self-discovery. As they embark on this extraordinary adventure together, Greg begins to question the very nature of his reality and explores the possibility that the world they are exploring might indeed be an illusion.
Bliss is a thought-provoking cinematic experience that seamlessly blends romance with compelling science fiction elements. The film keeps viewers on the edge of their seats as they delve into the complexities of perception and the boundaries of love. With stellar performances by a talented cast, including Owen Wilson as Greg and Salma Hayek as Isabel, Bliss takes audiences on an enthralling ride. Directed by Mike Cahill, known for his innovative storytelling and visually stunning imagery, this captivating masterpiece will leave viewers captivated and questioning the true nature of existence.
Prepare to be spellbound as you enter the extraordinary world of Bliss, where love and reality intertwine in mesmerizing ways.