Blind (2016) is an emotionally gripping drama that tells the story of a novelist who undergoes a life-altering tragedy. Following a devastating car crash that claims the life of his wife and leaves him blind, the protagonist enters a dark phase of his life, devoid of hope and inspiration. However, his story takes a thrilling turn when he becomes involved in a passionate affair with the neglected wife of a wealthy and indicted businessman.
As the central character bravely navigates his newly blinded world, he discovers the rejuvenating power of love and rekindles his long-lost passion for writing. Through his relationship with the neglected wife, he rediscovers a zest for life and finds the motivation to once again pursue his literary ambitions.
Directed with finesse and sensitivity, Blind delves deep into the complexities of human emotions and relationships, unveiling the fragility of the human spirit and its capacity for resilience. The film grapples with themes of loss, adultery, and the quest for redemption, offering viewers an immersive and thought-provoking experience.
Featuring outstanding performances by a talented cast, Blind immerses audiences in a profound exploration of love, desire, and the profound impact of tragedy on the human soul. Watch as the protagonist embarks on a transformative journey, navigating the depths of darkness, and ultimately finding a glimmer of hope in the unlikeliest of places.
Also Known As:
BlindRelease Date:
24 Aug 2017Writers:
John Buffalo Mailer, Diane Fisher