Blast Beat (2020) tells the story of a Colombian family who migrates to the United States in the summer of '99. The film centers around two brothers, a metalhead science prodigy named Carly and his younger brother Mateo. As they adjust to their new life in America, they find themselves grappling with the complexities of the American Dream and trying to reconcile it with their own reality.
Carly, a talented musician, dreams of attending a prestigious university to pursue his passion for metal music. Meanwhile, Mateo struggles with his own identity and purpose, feeling lost and aimless in this new environment. The brothers embark on a journey of self-discovery, navigating cultural differences and the challenges of coming of age in a foreign land.
Set against the backdrop of late '90s America, Blast Beat explores themes of immigration, family bonds, and the pursuit of dreams. As the brothers face unexpected obstacles and try to hold onto their roots while embracing their new opportunities, viewers are taken on a heartfelt and thought-provoking journey.
With its authentic portrayal of immigrant experiences and its mix of coming-of-age and music genres, Blast Beat is a captivating film that offers a unique perspective on the American Dream and the sacrifices one make in pursuit of it.