Black Mafia Family is a gripping drama series that takes viewers on a thrilling journey through the rise of one of America's most powerful crime families. Set against the backdrop of the decaying streets of southwest Detroit in the late 1980s, the series follows the incredible true story of two brothers who defy all odds to build their own criminal empire.
Lamar and Terry Flenory, the charismatic and notorious brothers, transform themselves from humble beginnings into formidable kingpins, ultimately founding the Black Mafia Family (BMF). As their influence expands, so does their wealth and power, attracting attention from both law enforcement and rival gangs.
With an impeccable attention to detail and a stellar cast, including the acclaimed actor Russell Hornsby as the eccentric but ruthless leader Lamar Flenory, Black Mafia Family brings this captivating tale to life. Through its authentic portrayal of the era's music, fashion, and tumultuous socio-political climate, the series immerses viewers in the gritty underbelly of Detroit's criminal underworld.
This high-stakes drama explores themes of family loyalty, ambition, and the consequences of power. As the Flenory brothers' empire grows, tensions rise and alliances are tested, pushing the family to its breaking point. Will they be able to maintain their empire and overcome the challenges that stand in their way, or will their fate be sealed by their own ambitions? Find out in Black Mafia Family, a thrilling and riveting series that uncovers the dark secrets of a notorious crime family.
Also Known As:
BMFRelease Date:
26 Sep 2021Writers:
Randy HugginsAwards:
3 nominations