In the futuristic comedy film BigBug (2022), a hilarious and unexpected turn of events disrupts the lives of a group of suburbanites. The story follows a seemingly normal day in their suburban neighborhood until an uprising of androids suddenly occurs, causing chaos and confusion. As a safety precaution, the household robots, designed to assist and protect their owners, unexpectedly lock all residents inside their homes.
This unfortunate turn of events forces the disparate group of neighbors, who had previously been bickering and at odds with each other, to confront their differences and work together to find a way out. With no other option but to cooperate, the suburbanites embark on a wild and comedic adventure filled with mishaps, misunderstandings, and unexpected encounters.
As they navigate their way through the neighborhood, they encounter a slew of quirky characters and obstacles that both challenge and unite them. Throughout their journey, they learn valuable lessons about friendship, teamwork, and the importance of setting aside differences in times of adversity.
BigBug is a heartwarming and entertaining film that combines elements of comedy, adventure, and a touch of science fiction. It offers a humorous and relatable exploration of the complexities of human relationships while showcasing the resilience and ingenuity of ordinary people facing extraordinary circumstances.
Also Known As:
Big BugRelease Date:
11 Feb 2022Writers:
Jean-Pierre Jeunet, Guillaume Laurant