In the movie Big Business (1988), two pairs of identical twins - one set hailing from New York City and the other from a small town in the countryside - find themselves intertwined in a comical and intriguing tale. The sisters from the city are ambitious businesswomen, while their rural counterparts lead a simpler life. Through a series of mishaps and misunderstandings, the four women end up crossing paths and realizing they share a surprising connection.
As the story unfolds, the sisters navigate the challenges of mistaken identities, mixed-up romances, and corporate dealings, leading to a hilarious and heartwarming journey of self-discovery and sisterhood. With a mix of slapstick comedy and heartfelt moments, Big Business explores themes of family, friendship, and the bonds that tie us together, no matter how far apart we may seem.
Join the four sisters on their wild and zany adventure as they navigate the twists and turns of fate and learn valuable lessons about love, loyalty, and the true meaning of family.
Also Known As:
Big BusinessRelease Date:
10 Jun 1988Writers:
Dori Pierson, Marc Reid RubelAwards:
1 win & 1 nomination