Between Two Ferns: The Movie (2019) follows the hilarious journey of talk show host Zach Galifianakis and his quirky team as they embark on a road trip to conduct a series of celebrity interviews. Zach's absurd and awkward interview style has made his show, Between Two Ferns, a viral sensation, but he now faces the threat of its cancellation unless he can prove its worth.
In order to save his show, Zach and his crew set out on a cross-country trip to film a set of high-profile interviews, ranging from celebrities like Matthew McConaughey to Chance the Rapper. Along the way, they encounter various mishaps and hilarious situations, all while attempting to secure the future of the show.
Throughout the film, Zach's interactions with the celebrities are marked by his signature absurdity and uncomfortable questions, leading to many laugh-out-loud moments. As the journey progresses, Zach also undergoes personal growth, navigating his own insecurities and learning valuable life lessons.
Between Two Ferns: The Movie is a hilarious and satirical take on celebrity interviews, incorporating elements of improvisation and deadpan humor. With a star-studded cast and the signature awkwardness of Zach Galifianakis, this film presents a unique and entertaining perspective on the world of talk shows and celebrity culture.
*Note: The summary has been adjusted to meet the requested word count.
Also Known As:
Between Two Ferns: The MovieRelease Date:
20 Sep 2019Writers:
Scott Aukerman, Zach GalifianakisAwards:
Nominated for 1 Primetime Emmy. 1 win & 2 nominations total