Beethoven's 2nd (1993) is a heartwarming family film that follows the lovable St. Bernard, Beethoven, and his growing family. In this installment, Beethoven becomes a proud father of four adorable puppies. However, trouble arises when their owner, Regina, plans to use them as leverage during her divorce proceedings. Determined to protect the puppies, the Newton kids decide to take matters into their own hands and steal the puppies.
As the Newton kids try to keep the puppies hidden, they face a series of challenges and comedic misadventures. Meanwhile, Beethoven's mate, Missy, is separated from her family and held captive by Regina. The Newton kids embark on a daring mission to rescue Missy and reunite her with her puppies, all while trying to outsmart Regina and her scheming ways.
Filled with laughter, heartwarming moments, and a whole lot of puppy love, Beethoven's 2nd is a delightful family film that explores the lengths one can go to protect their furry friends. Will the Newton kids be able to keep the puppies safe? And will they succeed in reuniting Missy with her family? Find out in this endearing tale that will surely warm the hearts of viewers of all ages.
Also Known As:
Beethovens tvåa