Beethoven's 4th (2001) is a heartwarming family comedy that revolves around the lovable St. Bernard dog named Beethoven. In this delightful installment of the popular Beethoven series, the Newton family finds themselves pleasantly surprised when Beethoven suddenly becomes unusually obedient. However, their joy soon turns into confusion when they discover that the dog they have is actually an imposter.
As the story unravels, it becomes clear that Beethoven has fallen victim to a classic prince and pauper scenario. The real Beethoven is now living with a pompous rich family, who are completely unaware of the mix-up. Meanwhile, the imposter dog, who now answers to the name Michelangelo, is trying his best to adapt to his new wealthy surroundings.
With hilarious misunderstandings and misadventures, the Newtons must find a way to bring the real Beethoven back home while dealing with the eccentricities of the wealthy family who have unknowingly taken him in. Along the way, they learn important lessons about loyalty, family, and what truly matters in life.
Beethoven's 4th is a delightful and family-friendly movie that will keep both kids and adults entertained. Filled with heart, humor, and beloved canine antics, this movie is a must-watch for anyone who loves feel-good family films.
Also Known As:
Beethoven's 4thRelease Date:
04 Dec 2001Writers:
John Loy, John Hughes (based on characters created by), Amy Holden Jones (based on characters created by)Awards:
1 nomination.