Beck Hämndens pris (2001) is a gripping Swedish crime thriller that will keep viewers on the edge of their seats. The story revolves around a group of criminals who have stolen a significant amount of explosives, leading to a deadly encounter with two patrolling cops. The cops are brutally killed, igniting a sense of urgency for Martin Beck and his team to uncover the killers' identities and their sinister plan for the stolen explosives.
As the investigation intensifies, tensions rise within the team, especially for Gunvald Larsson, a close friend of one of the murdered cops. Driven by a desire for revenge, Larsson is prepared to break the rules and go to any lengths to bring the killers to justice.
Beck Hämndens pris explores the relentless pursuit of truth and justice, as the team works tirelessly day and night to prevent an imminent catastrophe. With time running out, the suspense builds, leaving viewers questioning who can be trusted and what the true motives of the criminals are.
This action-packed thriller is a rollercoaster ride filled with unexpected twists and turns. With strong performances, intricate storytelling, and expertly crafted suspense, Beck Hämndens pris will keep viewers guessing until the very end.
Also Known As:
Hämndens prisRelease Date:
27 Apr 2003Writers:
Cilla Börjlind, Rolf Börjlind, Maj Sjöwall