In this enchanting live-action adaptation of the timeless fairy tale, Beauty and the Beast (2017) brings to life the captivating story of a selfish prince who is transformed into a fearsome monster. To break the curse, he must learn to love and be loved in return. This breathtaking film, filled with stunning visual effects and an unforgettable cast, will transport viewers to a world where magic and romance intertwine.
Emma Watson shines as Belle, a smart and independent young woman who is taken captive in the Beast's enchanting castle. As she embarks on an unexpected journey, Belle discovers that true beauty lies within, and love can reveal the best in even the most unexpected places. Alongside Watson, Dan Stevens delivers a remarkable performance as the Beast, expertly portraying the complex and tormented character.
Directed by Bill Condon, Beauty and the Beast offers a visually stunning experience for audiences of all ages. From the lavish castle to the enchanting musical numbers, the film captures the essence of this beloved tale beautifully. With a delightful mix of old and new songs, the stunning soundtrack will have viewers humming along.
Prepare to be swept away by the enchantment of Beauty and the Beast as this timeless story of love and redemption comes to life. Perfect for a cozy night in or a family movie night, this cinematic masterpiece is a must-watch for fans of fantasy, romance, and Disney magic.
Also Known As:
Beauty and the BeastRelease Date:
17 Mar 2017Writers:
Stephen Chbosky, Evan Spiliotopoulos, Linda WoolvertonAwards:
Nominated for 2 Oscars. 15 wins & 76 nominations total