Introducing Beast (2017), a gripping and atmospheric psychological thriller that takes place in an isolated community. The story revolves around a troubled young woman who is torn between the stifling control of her oppressive family and the fascination she feels towards a mysterious outsider. The outsider, who is suspected of committing a series of brutal murders, exudes an irresistible allure that draws her closer to him, despite the risks involved.
Set against the backdrop of a small island community, the film explores themes of identity, class, and desire as the protagonist navigates the complexities of her relationships and the dark secrets that surround her. As tensions escalate, she finds herself faced with difficult choices that could change her life forever.
Beast captivates audiences with its stunning cinematography, atmospheric soundtrack, and powerful performances. The film immerses viewers in the eerie and claustrophobic atmosphere of the island, intensifying the suspense and intrigue. With its engaging and twist-filled narrative, Beast keeps audiences on the edge of their seats, questioning the true nature of the characters and the secrets they hold.
A must-watch for fans of psychological thrillers, Beast effortlessly combines suspense and drama to deliver a truly gripping cinematic experience.
Also Known As:
BeastRelease Date:
11 May 2018Writers:
Michael PearceAwards:
Won 1 BAFTA Award8 wins & 24 nominations total