In the animated film Batman Ninja, the Dark Knight, along with his allies and foes, is unexpectedly transported from modern-day Gotham City to feudal Japan. Stranded in this unfamiliar setting, Batman must adapt to his new surroundings and find a way back home.
With the help of his trusted allies, including Robin, Nightwing, and Alfred, Batman faces off against his arch-nemeses, such as the Joker, Harley Quinn, and Gorilla Grodd, who have also been transported back in time. As the villains seize control of different regions, Batman must rally his allies and use his advanced gadgets to defeat his enemies and restore order to Japan.
Throughout this action-packed adventure, Batman's traditional crime-fighting methods are challenged as he encounters new enemies and allies with their own unique skills and weapons. As he delves deeper into the ancient culture of Japan, Batman uncovers surprising secrets that test his allegiance and beliefs.
Batman Ninja combines stunning hand-drawn animation with a fresh take on the timeless Batman mythology. This epic tale of a time-displaced Batman showcases his resilience and ingenuity as he faces off against his greatest foes in a world vastly different from his own. With breathtaking visuals and a thrilling storyline, Batman Ninja is a must-watch for fans of the Caped Crusader and lovers of action-packed animated films.
Also Known As:
Batman NinjaRelease Date:
24 Apr 2018Writers:
Kazuki Nakashima, Leo Chu, Eric GarciaAwards:
2 nominations