Banshee Chapter is a suspenseful thriller that follows investigative journalist Anna as she delves into the mysterious disappearance of her friend. Anna's search leads her to uncover a dark world of clandestine government experiments involving an undocumented research chemical. These experiments were conducted by the CIA as part of their MK-Ultra program.
As Anna delves deeper into the twisted web of black ops chemical tests, she encounters unexplained radio transmissions and encounters disfigured entities lurking in the darkness of the night. Determined to uncover the truth behind her friend's disappearance, Anna pushes forward despite the horrifying forces that are tracking her every move.
Based on true events, Banshee Chapter offers an immersive viewing experience by shot in stereoscopic 3D. The film stars Katia Winter as Anna, a journalist desperately seeking answers, and Ted Levine as one of the key players in this sinister government conspiracy.
Banshee Chapter delivers an intense and chilling experience, blending elements of suspense, horror, and a touch of science fiction. As Anna races against time to unravel the secrets and evade the pursuing entities, viewers will be on the edge of their 3D seat, captivated by the eerie atmosphere and shocking revelations. Don't miss this heart-pounding journey into the unknown.