Bamse och tjuvstaden (2014) is an animated adventure film that follows the story of Bamse, the world's strongest and kindest bear. When his beloved grandmother is kidnapped by a group of former thieves who are determined to steal everything in town, it is up to Bamse to rescue her.
Led by the cunning and dastardly fox Reinard, the thieves create chaos as they attempt to steal valuable items from all corners of the town. With his sheer strength and unwavering kindness, Bamse sets out on a perilous journey to stop the thieves and save his grandmother.
As Bamse delves deeper into the dangerous tjuvstaden (thieves' town), he encounters a variety of colorful and endearing characters who join him in his quest. Together, they face numerous challenges and obstacles as they navigate through treacherous landscapes and confront Reinard's cunning tricks.
Filled with heartwarming moments, exciting action sequences, and delightful humor, Bamse och tjuvstaden is a family-friendly film that teaches important values such as bravery, friendship, and standing up against injustice.
Will Bamse be able to outsmart Reinard and save his beloved grandmother? Join him on this thrilling and captivating adventure to find out.
Also Known As:
Bamse and the Thief CityRelease Date:
25 Dec 2015Writers:
Tomas Tivemark, Johan Kindblom, Rune AndréassonAwards:
1 nomination