Baegabondeu / Vagabond is a thrilling Korean drama series that follows the life of an ordinary man caught up in a gripping corruption scandal. The story revolves around Cha Dal-geon, a stuntman whose life takes an unexpected turn when he witnesses a mysterious plane crash. As he delves deeper into the incident, he discovers shocking truths that connect the crash to a massive conspiracy.
Cha Dal-geon's journey unravels a web of deceit, assassinations, and power struggles as he tries to uncover the truth behind the crash. Along the way, he encounters Go Hae-ri, a National Intelligence Service agent, who joins him in his pursuit of justice. Together, they navigate the dangerous world of high-level corruption, risking their lives to expose those responsible.
Baegabondeu / Vagabond is full of intense action sequences, suspenseful plot twists, and emotional moments that keep viewers on the edge of their seats. With its intricate storytelling and multi-layered characters, the series offers a compelling exploration of power and the lengths people will go to protect their interests.
Packed with breathtaking cinematography and powerful performances, Baegabondeu / Vagabond is a must-watch for fans of thrilling espionage dramas. Prepare to be captivated by its gripping narrative and intricate plot as it pulls you into a world of secrets, danger, and the search for truth.
Also Known As:
VagabondRelease Date:
20 Sep 2019