In the hilarious and offbeat comedy, Bad Milo! (2013), we follow the life of Duncan, an ordinary man with an average office job. Unbeknownst to him, his high-stress lifestyle takes a bizarre turn when he begins experiencing excruciating stomach pains that coincide with his stress levels. Desperate to find relief, Duncan discovers that his stress manifests itself in the form of a strange little creature that emerges from his body through his backside.
As Duncan struggles to understand and control this mysterious creature, he soon realizes that it acts as a physical manifestation of his repressed anger and frustration. To his surprise, the creature, affectionately named Milo, starts exacting revenge on those who have caused Duncan stress and unhappiness.
However, the situation quickly spirals out of control, putting everything that Duncan holds dear at risk, including his loving wife. With the help of a peculiar therapist, Duncan must confront his inner demons and find a way to tame the mischievous creature inside him before it destroys his life.
Bad Milo! cleverly blends humor, horror, and a heartfelt exploration of stress and its consequences. This comedic gem promises a unique and wildly entertaining viewing experience that tackles relatable themes with an unexpected twist.