In the action-packed thriller Bad Karma (2012), viewers are taken on a thrilling journey alongside a reformed criminal who is reluctantly forced to confront his past. The film revolves around a protagonist haunted by his criminal history, attempting to leave it all behind. However, his peace is shattered when his former partner resurfaces and blackmails him into participating in one final job.
As the movie unfolds, tensions rise and the stakes become increasingly higher. The reformed criminal is plunged into a world of danger, deceit, and betrayal. In a race against time, he must navigate treacherous alliances and outsmart his adversaries if he hopes to survive.
Bad Karma captivates with its intricately woven plot, keeping audiences on the edge of their seats throughout. The film is packed with suspenseful moments and unexpected twists, ensuring that viewers will be gripped until the very end.
With stellar performances from a talented cast, Bad Karma brings its characters to life, effectively capturing the emotional struggles and moral dilemmas they face. Moreover, the sleek cinematography and adrenaline-pumping action sequences add depth and excitement to the story.
Prepare for a thrilling cinematic experience as you join the reformed criminal on his perilous journey in Bad Karma. This electrifying film will keep you guessing until the explosive finale, leaving you wanting more.
Also Known As:
Bad KarmaRelease Date:
11 Sep 2012Writers:
Steve Allrich, Allie LohAwards:
1 win.