In Bad Ass (2012), Frank Vega, a decorated Vietnam hero, struggles to find his place in society upon returning home, experiencing joblessness and the loss of his high school sweetheart. However, forty years later, his life takes a turn when he defends an elderly black man from a pair of skinheads on a commuter bus. Frank's heroic act transforms him into a local hero, and he regains the recognition he deserves.
Unfortunately, Frank's luck quickly turns sour when his best friend, Klondike, is brutally killed, and the police show no interest in solving the case. Determined to seek justice for his friend, Frank takes matters into his own hands, embarking on a personal mission to uncover the truth behind Klondike's murder.
As Frank digs deeper into the investigation, he uncovers a web of corruption and conspiracy that reaches high levels of authority. With his military skills and indomitable spirit, Frank becomes a force to be reckoned with, fearlessly taking on the criminals responsible for his friend's death.
Bad Ass is a gripping action-packed film that explores themes of heroism, loyalty, and the resilience of the human spirit. Watch as Frank Vega fights against injustice and seeks vengeance for his friend's untimely demise, proving that sometimes a true hero can rise from the most unlikely places.