Baby's Day Out (1994) is a heartwarming family comedy that follows the hilarious misadventures of a precocious and clever baby named Bink. When Bink is kidnapped by a trio of bumbling criminals, the race is on as both the police and the kidnappers desperately search for him.
Directed by Patrick Read Johnson, this delightful film takes viewers on a wild journey filled with thrills, laughter, and plenty of heartwarming moments. As the kidnappers continue to lose track of Bink, their frustration grows, leading to hilariously disastrous plans to retrieve him.
Meanwhile, the police force led by Inspector Hughes doggedly pursues the case. Their efforts are met with countless comical obstacles, resulting in uproarious and slapstick comedy for the audience.
Amidst the chaos, Baby's Day Out brings a lighthearted and innocent perspective through the eyes of Bink. Laugh along as he navigates through danger, outwits the criminals, and finds unexpected friendships along the way.
Baby's Day Out is a delightful and charming comedy that guarantees entertainment for the entire family. Packed with laughter, excitement, and a captivating storyline, this timeless film will leave audiences of all ages smiling from start to finish.
Also Known As:
Baby's Day OutRelease Date:
01 Jul 1994Writers:
John Hughes