In the comedy film Awful Nice, a disenchanted college professor named Jim receives news of his father's death. He realizes that he must locate his deadbeat brother, Dave, and transport him to their father's funeral. Upon their arrival, the brothers discover that they have each inherited one half of the family's vacation home in Branson, Missouri. In desperate need of money, they decide to sell the property but must first travel to Branson together.
The journey to Branson turns out to be a chaotic adventure, with the brothers encountering various obstacles along the way. Despite their differences, they find themselves bonding and repairing their strained relationship during the trip. As they work together to fix up the house, they also embark on a journey of personal growth and self-discovery.
Awful Nice combines humor and heart as it explores themes of family, redemption, and the importance of embracing the past. The film showcases the dynamic between the two lead characters, Jim and Dave, who initially clash but gradually learn to appreciate and understand each other. With witty dialogue, amusing situations, and heartfelt moments, Awful Nice offers an entertaining and heartfelt experience for viewers.
Don't miss this hilarious and heartwarming comedy about two brothers who must come together to navigate through the chaos of their inheritance and, ultimately, rediscover the value of family.