Away is a compelling and emotional drama series that follows the life of Emma Green, an American astronaut. Emma faces the daunting task of leaving her loving husband and daughter behind to venture into space on a perilous mission. As part of an international space crew, Emma must navigate both the physical challenges of space travel and the emotional toll it takes on her family.
Set against the backdrop of a high-stakes space mission to Mars, Away delves deep into the personal sacrifices and complexities that arise when embarking on such an extraordinary journey. Emma's commitment to her profession and her love for her family collide, leading to heartfelt moments and difficult decisions.
The series masterfully captures the physical and psychological hardships faced by astronauts, exploring the psychological pressure, the isolation, and the intense training they endure to prepare for their mission. Interwoven with Emma's personal struggles are the stories of her diverse crew members, each carrying their own burdens and backgrounds, creating a rich tapestry of human experiences.
Away is a visually stunning and thought-provoking series that immerses viewers in the triumphs and tribulations of space exploration. It is a story of resilience, sacrifice, and the unbreakable bonds that connect us all. Join Emma and her crew on their extraordinary journey as they aim to reach for the stars in this captivating and unforgettable series.
Also Known As:
AwayRelease Date:
04 Sep 2020Writers:
Andrew Hinderaker