Avanti! (1972) is a charming and humorous romantic comedy that follows the unlikely love story of Baltimore industrialist Wendell Armbruster and London shop girl Pamela Piggott. When their respective parents, who had been engaged in a secret affair for the past ten summers, tragically die in a car accident on the idyllic Italian island of Ischia, Wendell and Pamela are brought together to collect their bodies.
Wendell, a reserved and uptight businessman, is determined to handle the situation discreetly to avoid scandal. On the other hand, Pamela, a free-spirited and adventurous young woman, embraces the romantic setting and is captivated by the possibilities it holds. As they both navigate the confusion surrounding their parents' bodies and encounter unscrupulous locals attempting to exploit the situation, a bond begins to form between Wendell and Pamela.
Against all odds, the pair finds themselves extending their parents' affair into the next generation. As their relationship evolves, they discover unexpected connections and shared values that challenge their initial assumptions about love and commitment.
Avanti! expertly blends comedy, romance, and a touch of drama in a picturesque Italian setting. Directed by the renowned Billy Wilder, the film offers a captivating exploration of love, second chances, and the unpredictable nature of human connections. With its witty dialogue, delightful performances, and beautiful cinematography, Avanti! is a must-watch for fans of classic romantic comedies.