Attacking the Devil: Harold Evans and the Last Nazi War Crime (2014) is a powerful documentary that highlights the remarkable story of investigative journalism's triumph over a devastating medical scandal. This compelling film shines a light on the fight against Thalidomide, a drug that caused severe birth defects in thousands of children in the 1960s.
Led by the passionate and determined journalist Harold Evans, the documentary explores how investigative journalism became the victims' only hope for justice. Before the existence of the internet and social media, Evans and his team worked tirelessly to expose the truth and hold manufacturers accountable for their negligence.
The film provides a detailed account of Evans' relentless efforts to shed light on the story, including his battles against wealthy pharmaceutical giants. Through interviews with survivors, activists, and fellow journalists, the documentary showcases the impact of Evans' work on the victims' lives and the broader public.
Attacking the Devil highlights the immense courage and determination required to challenge powerful corporations and government institutions. It sheds light on a dark chapter in medical history and celebrates the power of journalism in fighting for justice and raising awareness.
This documentary is a must-watch for those interested in investigative journalism, medical ethics, and the fight for justice. With its gripping narrative and emotional interviews, Attacking the Devil is an inspiring testament to the power of journalism in bringing about change.