Atlantis Interceptors is an action-packed film set in the year 1983, where the discovery of an ancient Atlantean relic sparks a series of tumultuous events. The artifact is found near a sunken nuclear submarine at the bottom of the ocean, and its retrieval proves to be no easy task. As chaos unfolds, a group of scientists is forced to join forces with a team of mercenaries to survive the impending danger.
This thrilling adventure follows the characters as they navigate through treacherous waters and face off against various obstacles, all in a bid to outrun a relentless enemy. The weight of their survival rests on unraveling the mysteries behind the Atlantean relic and finding a way to escape unharmed.
As the pulse-pounding action unfolds, audiences are taken on a rollercoaster ride filled with suspense, unexpected plot twists, and jaw-dropping special effects. The fate of the world hangs in the balance as the team races against time to outwit their adversaries and prevent a catastrophic disaster from befalling mankind.
Atlantis Interceptors is the ultimate dose of adrenaline for fans of high-octane action and thrilling aquatic adventures. Dive into the thrilling depths of this blockbuster film and prepare to be captivated from start to finish.
Also Known As:
Atlantis InterceptorsRelease Date:
25 Nov 1983Writers:
Tito Carpi, Vincenzo Mannino