Asakusa Kid (2021) is a captivating film that takes viewers on a journey through the world of comedy in Asakusa, Japan. The movie revolves around the rise of Takeshi Kitano, a young apprentice who learns the tricks of the trade from his comedy idol, Fukami. Set in the backdrop of 1970s Tokyo, the film explores the dynamics between mentor and protégé as their careers move in opposite directions.
Takeshi Kitano's path to success is riddled with obstacles, but his determination and wit propel him towards stardom. Meanwhile, Fukami struggles to maintain his relevance in the ever-changing comedy scene. As their journeys intersect and diverge, the film delves into themes of ambition, loyalty, and the sacrifices one must make.
With its rich cinematography and authentic portrayal of the bustling Asakusa district, Asakusa Kid transports viewers back in time. The film captures the essence of a bygone era and provides a glimpse into the world of traditional Japanese comedy.
Directed by renowned filmmaker Kazuo Hara, Asakusa Kid offers a poignant and thought-provoking narrative. It showcases the evolution of Takeshi Kitano, who would later become an internationally acclaimed filmmaker and actor. This heartfelt story is a must-watch for fans of Japanese cinema and anyone interested in the creative journey of a rising star.
Also Known As:
Asakusa KidRelease Date:
09 Dec 2021Writers:
Gekidan Hitori, Takeshi Kitano