Appropriate Adult is a gripping 2011 drama film that delves into the harrowing true story of notorious serial killers Fred and Rose West. This intense and chilling movie revolves around the crucial role played by an appropriate adult in the case, who assists vulnerable individuals during police interviews.
The film portrays the Wests' reign of terror in Gloucestershire, England, during the 1970s and 1980s, as unsuspecting girls are lured into their home, only to meet a horrifying fate. While the focus is on their arrest and trial, the narrative highlights how their heinous crimes were exposed, providing viewers with a chilling glimpse into the darkest corners of the human psyche.
Through meticulous attention to detail, the film captures the horrifying atmosphere and the complexities surrounding the case. It showcases the delicate and disturbing relationship that unfolds between Fred West (played by Dominic West) and his appropriate adult, Janet Leach (played by Emily Watson), as she grapples with the psychological toll of confronting the couple's gruesome crimes.
Appropriate Adult serves as a haunting reminder of the monstrous acts committed by the Wests, and the immense challenge faced by those tasked with bringing them to justice. With powerful performances and a gripping storyline, this film is a must-watch for fans of true crime stories and psychological dramas.
Also Known As:
Appropriate AdultRelease Date:
10 Dec 2011Awards:
Won 4 BAFTA 12 wins & 20 nominations total