Antikrundan is a Swedish television series that presents a captivating blend of history, culture, and antiques. Based on the popular UK-series format, the show follows a team of experts as they embark on a captivating journey across Sweden's towns. Viewers are treated to an immersive experience as members of the public bring their cherished items to be evaluated by the experts.
The series serves as a treasure trove for antique enthusiasts, as experts offer their insights, anecdotes, and valuations on the various objects that are presented. From vintage arts and crafts to rare collectibles, each item unveils fascinating stories and rich heritage. Viewers are taken on a fascinating journey through time as the experts delve into the historical and cultural significance of each piece.
Antikrundan offers a unique opportunity for the audience to learn about Swedish history and traditions, all while witnessing the excitement and anticipation of each valuation. Moreover, the show highlights the emotional connection that people hold with their belongings, showcasing the sentimental value attached to these objects.
Whether you are a passionate collector or simply intrigued by the world of antiques, Antikrundan promises an engaging and educational experience. With its skilled experts and intriguing insights, this series is a must-watch for anyone interested in unravelling the hidden stories behind cherished possessions.
Also Known As:
AntikrundanRelease Date:
26 Aug 1989Awards:
1 win & 4 nominations