Antboy: Revenge of the Red Fury (2014) is an exciting superhero film that follows the story of Pelle, a young boy who becomes the superhero known as Antboy. After defeating his nemesis, The Flea, Antboy has gained incredible popularity in his town. However, his life takes an unexpected turn when a new student, a charming boy, arrives at his school and sets his sights on stealing Pelle's best friend, Ida.
As if dealing with his love life wasn't enough, Antboy also finds himself facing a powerful new supervillain called Red Fury. Red Fury is determined to cause chaos and destruction, posing a formidable threat to Antboy and his city. As Pelle fights to protect his friends and the town he loves, he must also confront personal challenges and overcome his own doubts.
Antboy: Revenge of the Red Fury is an action-packed film that explores themes of friendship, love, and the responsibilities that come with being a superhero. With its exciting storyline and thrilling superhero battles, this movie is sure to captivate viewers of all ages. Join Antboy on his mission to save the day once again and discover if he can overcome the Red Fury and win the heart of his beloved Ida.
Also Known As:
Antboy: Revenge of the Red FuryRelease Date:
25 Dec 2014Writers:
Anders Ølholm (screenplay), Anders Ølholm (screen story), Kenneth Bøgh Andersen (based on: the Antboy books by)Awards:
1 win & 9 nominations.