In the heartwarming film Annie (1982), a spunky young orphan named Annie finds herself taken in by a wealthy and eccentric man called Oliver Warbucks, against the wishes of the grumpy matron of the orphanage where she resides. Set in New York City during the Great Depression, this timeless musical follows Annie's remarkable journey from a dreary orphanage to a luxurious and bustling life with Mr. Warbucks.
Annie's infectious optimism and indomitable spirit endear her to both Mr. Warbucks and his loyal staff, who quickly become her surrogate family. As Annie grows closer to Mr. Warbucks, she nurtures a special bond that transforms both their lives in unexpected ways. With unforgettable musical numbers like Tomorrow and It's a Hard Knock Life, this beloved film showcases the trials and triumphs of resilience, hope, and the power of love.
Directed by John Huston and featuring a talented ensemble cast, Annie presents a heartwarming tale of overcoming adversity and finding a place to call home. As Annie navigates the challenges of her new life, viewers will be captivated by her infectious spirit and unwavering determination. Join Annie as she embarks on a remarkable adventure that will leave you singing, laughing, and inspired.
Also Known As:
AnnieRelease Date:
18 Jun 1982Writers:
Carol Sobieski, Thomas Meehan, Martin CharninAwards:
Nominated for 2 Oscars. 2 wins & 13 nominations total