Annabelle, a spine-chilling horror film released in 2014, tells the story of a young couple experiencing a series of terrifying supernatural events when their home is invaded by satanic cultists. The movie introduces the audience to Mia and John, a happily married couple eagerly awaiting the arrival of their first child. However, their lives take a horrifying turn when their house is broken into by members of a satanic cult. During the invasion, a vintage doll named Annabelle becomes a conduit for malevolent spirits, bringing terrifying and unexplainable occurrences into their lives.
As Mia and John try to understand and overcome the paranormal events plaguing their home, they quickly realize that the evil unleashed by the cultists has targeted their family. Tensions rise and fear escalates as they begin to question their safety and the intentions of Annabelle. With each passing incident, the couple becomes more desperate to protect themselves and their unborn child from the supernatural forces at work.
Annabelle is a nerve-wracking film that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats. Directed by John R. Leonetti, this chilling horror flick captivates the audience with its dark atmosphere and intense suspense. The movie skillfully presents a compelling narrative about the power of evil forces and the lengths people will go to save themselves and their loved ones.
Also Known As:
AnnabelleRelease Date:
03 Oct 2014Writers:
Gary DaubermanAwards:
3 wins & 7 nominations