Amour fou is a 2014 German film set in Berlin during the Romantic Era. The film follows Heinrich, a young poet who desires to defy death by making a suicide pact driven by love. He approaches his cousin Marie with this idea, but she is reluctant to join him, leaving him devastated.
While trying to cope with Marie's rejection, Heinrich meets Henriette, the wife of a business acquaintance. Initially, Henriette is not interested in Heinrich's proposal, but she later learns that she has a terminal illness. This revelation changes her perspective, and she agrees to Heinrich's plan.
As the two navigate their intense and tragic love affair, they are faced with the challenges of Heinrich's passion for death and Henriette's impending mortality. They struggle to reconcile their desire for a romantic death with the realities of life and love.
Amour fou explores themes of love, mortality, and the human desire for connection. The film is a poignant examination of the complexities of romantic relationships and the ways in which individuals cope with the inevitability of death.
With its stunning cinematography and compelling performances, Amour fou offers a thought-provoking and emotional viewing experience. The film delves into the depths of human emotions and raises questions about the nature of love and the lengths people will go to escape their fears of mortality.