American Outlaws (2001) is an action-packed Western film set in the years following the American Civil War. The story revolves around five friends from the South who decide to return home after the war ends in 1865. However, they soon realize that their beloved land is under threat from both Yankee soldiers and the notorious Pinkerton detective agency. These forces are colluding with a ruthless railroad baron who aims to snatch the farmers' lands along the planned western railroad route.
Motivated by their love for the land and a desire for justice, the five friends decide to take matters into their own hands and fight back against the oppressive forces. As they band together, they form a group of outlaws committed to defending their property and the rights of the struggling farmers. Armed with grit, determination, and their expert shooting skills, the friends embark on a thrilling mission to outsmart the powerful enemies.
American Outlaws is a fast-paced and action-filled movie that showcases the resilience and courage of ordinary individuals who rise against injustice. With its mix of thrilling shootouts and heartfelt camaraderie, the film offers viewers an exciting adventure that celebrates the spirit of rebellion and the fight for what is right. Get ready for a wild ride as these five Southern friends become the legendary American outlaws of their time.
Also Known As:
American OutlawsRelease Date:
17 Aug 2001Writers:
Roderick Taylor, John RogersAwards:
7 nominations