In the futuristic world of Altered Carbon, human consciousness can be digitally stored and transferred to new bodies. The series follows the story of a prisoner named Takeshi Kovacs who is given a chance at freedom when he is revived in a new body, known as a sleeve. In order to earn his freedom, Kovacs must solve a complex murder mystery.
The plot of Altered Carbon centers around an eccentric billionaire named Laurens Bancroft who hires Kovacs to investigate his own murder. Bancroft believes that he was killed, but due to the nature of his consciousness being stored, he was able to be revived in a new sleeve. Kovacs must navigate the dangerous and vastly unequal society known as Bay City to uncover the truth.
As Kovacs digs deeper into the case, he uncovers a conspiracy that involves corrupt politicians, powerful corporations, and mysterious individuals known as Meths who possess immense wealth and influence. Along the way, Kovacs encounters allies and enemies, as well as confronting his own troubled past.
Altered Carbon explores themes of identity, mortality, and the ethics of technological advancements. The series combines elements of science fiction, action, and noir detective genres to create a visually stunning and thought-provoking story that will keep viewers on the edge of their seats.
Also Known As:
Altered CarbonRelease Date:
02 Feb 2018Writers:
Laeta KalogridisAwards:
Nominated for 2 Primetime Emmys. Another 3 wins & 16 nominations.