Experience the transformative power of friendship and self-discovery in Along for the Ride (2022). Set in the idyllic seaside town of Colby, this heartwarming coming-of-age film follows Auden, a young woman on the cusp of starting college. Auden, played by a captivating actress, encounters Eli, a enigmatic fellow insomniac, during her last summer before university.
As Colby slumbers, Auden and Eli venture out into the night, embarking on a series of memorable escapades that push Auden out of her comfort zone. Through their shared experiences, Auden learns to let go of her serious and controlled demeanor, while discovering the joys of carefree teenage life she never thought she desired.
Along for the Ride beautifully captures the nostalgia and emotional complexities of adolescence, offering a relatable and authentic portrayal of self-discovery. Audiences will be transported back to their own youthful summers, recalling the bittersweet mix of excitement and uncertainty.
Directed by a visionary filmmaker known for his ability to evoke powerful emotions, Along for the Ride features stunning cinematography that showcases the picturesque backdrop of Colby. The film's evocative soundtrack further heightens the emotional resonance, immersing viewers in Auden and Eli's enchanting journey.
Join Auden and Eli on their nocturnal adventures as they uncover deep truths about themselves and the world around them. Along for the Ride is a tale of friendship, love, and embracing the moments that shape us.
Also Known As:
Along for the RideRelease Date:
06 May 2022Writers:
Sarah Dessen, Sofia AlvarezAwards:
1 win & 1 nomination