In the 1988 science fiction film Alien Nation, Earth experiences its first encounter with an extraterrestrial race referred to as Newcomers. After three years of being placed in quarantine, these beings gradually assimilate into human society from 1991 onwards. The story is set in Los Angeles, where a seasoned cop named Matthew Sykes, played by James Caan, is assigned an unlikely partner, an alien named Sam Francisco, portrayed by Mandy Patinkin.
As the duo investigates a series of homicides, they delve into a web of corruption and conspiracy that threatens the fragile coexistence between humans and Newcomers. The film seamlessly weaves together elements of the buddy cop genre with themes of racial tensions and social integration.
With its gripping action sequences and thought-provoking exploration of discrimination and prejudice, Alien Nation provides an intriguing narrative that keeps audiences on the edge of their seats. The chemistry between Sykes and Francisco adds depth to the film, as they navigate their differences and learn to trust each other.
Directed by Graham Baker, Alien Nation combines the excitement of a crime thriller with the suspense of a science fiction flick. Its unique portrayal of an alien-human alliance gives viewers a fresh perspective on the challenges and triumphs of integration. Immerse yourself in this captivating world as you witness the evolution of a new society through the eyes of its unlikely heroes.
Also Known As:
Alien NationRelease Date:
07 Oct 1988Writers:
Rockne S. O'BannonAwards:
1 win & 4 nominations