In the movie Alien Invasion: S.U.M.1, planet Earth has been invaded by a hostile alien race, leaving humanity on the brink of extinction. To survive, the remaining humans have sought refuge in massive underground bunkers. The story revolves around a young military rookie named S.U.M.1, played by Iwan Rheon.
S.U.M.1 is tasked with a critical mission: to venture onto the surface and rescue a group of survivors who have been left unprotected. As he ventures into the desolate and dangerous world above ground, S.U.M.1 must navigate through treacherous landscapes and confront the relentless alien forces. He soon discovers that the aliens are not only a threat to humanity but also possess a secret that could change the course of the war.
Directed by Christian Pasquariello, Alien Invasion: S.U.M.1 is a thrilling sci-fi film that explores the themes of survival, courage, and sacrifice in the face of a deadly extraterrestrial threat. With intense action sequences and a gripping storyline, the movie keeps viewers on the edge of their seats, wondering if S.U.M.1 will be able to complete his mission and save the remaining survivors.
Featuring Iwan Rheon's compelling performance as the determined protagonist, and supported by a talented cast, Alien Invasion: S.U.M.1 provides an adrenaline-pumping cinematic experience that sci-fi enthusiasts will not want to miss.
Also Known As:
Alien Invasion: S.U.M.1Release Date:
01 Dec 2017Writers:
Christian Pasquariello, Gabrielle Pfeiffer