Agua Donkeys (2020-) is a hilarious comedy series that follows the misadventures of two pool cleaners in their quest for the perfect tan, the perfect vibe, and the perfect balance of bromine and chlorine. Set in their Utah hometown, these two employees of the Agua Donkeys pool cleaning company navigate through the ups and downs of their daily jobs while encountering eccentric clients and getting into comical situations.
The series showcases the bromance between Scotty and Yardley, the two pool cleaners, who are always on the lookout for the best tanning spots and the trendiest pool parties. Their laid-back attitudes and quirky personalities make for plenty of laughs as they strive to maintain the sickest backyard pools in town.
Agua Donkeys promises a fun-filled ride, full of witty banter, unexpected surprises, and relatable moments. Viewers can expect outrageous encounters with pool owners, which often lead to hilarious misunderstandings and ridiculous scenarios.
With a unique blend of comedy, friendship, and pool cleaning adventures, Agua Donkeys provides an entertaining escape into the world of two ordinary guys trying to make a living while embracing the poolside lifestyle. Get ready to dive into the absurdity and laughter that await you in this one-of-a-kind comedy series.
The series showcases the bromance between Scotty and Yardley, the two pool cleaners, who are always on the lookout for the best tanning spots and the trendiest pool parties. Their laid-back attitudes and quirky personalities make for plenty of laughs as they strive to maintain the sickest backyard pools in town.
Agua Donkeys promises a fun-filled ride, full of witty banter, unexpected surprises, and relatable moments. Viewers can expect outrageous encounters with pool owners, which often lead to hilarious misunderstandings and ridiculous scenarios.
With a unique blend of comedy, friendship, and pool cleaning adventures, Agua Donkeys provides an entertaining escape into the world of two ordinary guys trying to make a living while embracing the poolside lifestyle. Get ready to dive into the absurdity and laughter that await you in this one-of-a-kind comedy series.