In Age of Ice, a thrilling disaster movie set in Egypt, the Jones family, who are on vacation, are forced to face a catastrophic event that unfolds after massive earthquakes rupture the Arabian tectonic plate. As a result, the weather becomes unstable and plunges into freezing temperatures that are expected to become life-threatening after nightfall. With time running out, the family must find a way to reach safety before the temperatures drop and an Ice Age takes over the region.
Amidst the chaos, the Jones family encounters numerous challenges as they navigate the frozen land. They witness iconic Egyptian landmarks like the Sphinx, Pyramids, and Sahara Desert being buried under piles of snow, creating a stunning visual spectacle.
As the family fights against the clock, viewers are taken on a heart-pounding journey filled with suspense and thrills. Will the Jones family be able to overcome the harsh conditions and make it to safety in time? Can they find the strength to endure the relentless cold of the encroaching Ice Age?
Age of Ice offers a compelling blend of disaster and adventure, immersing viewers in a race against time against the backdrop of an ancient and treasured landscape. Get ready for a gripping tale of survival and bravery as the Jones family battles the elements and fights for their lives in this epic disaster movie.
Also Known As:
Age of IceRelease Date:
09 Dec 2014Writers:
Emile Edwin Smith (screenplay)