In About Cherry, a young woman named Angelina, who is struggling with personal issues, decides to move to San Francisco in the hopes of starting fresh. However, she soon finds herself drawn into the world of pornography, making some questionable choices along the way. Seeking guidance, Angelina forms a relationship with a lawyer named Frances, who is battling his own demons as a cocaine addict.
As Angelina becomes increasingly involved in the adult industry, she is faced with difficult decisions that challenge her own values and self-worth. She must navigate the dark side of the industry, dealing with exploitation and manipulation, while also struggling to maintain her relationships and take care of her own well-being.
About Cherry takes an intimate look at the emotional and psychological toll that the adult entertainment industry can have on individuals, exploring themes of identity, self-discovery, and the consequences of one's choices. It highlights the challenges faced by those involved in this world, shedding light on the pressures they face and the compromises they are forced to make.
Featuring powerful performances and a thought-provoking narrative, About Cherry offers a raw and honest portrayal of a young woman's journey toward finding her own path amidst the chaos and temptations of the adult film industry.
Also Known As:
About CherryRelease Date:
09 Aug 2012Writers:
Stephen Elliott, Lorelei Lee