In A Sunday Horse (2016), viewers are introduced to a young rider from humble beginnings who faces a life-threatening accident while on a horse that doesn't appear to have any exceptional qualities. Despite the skepticism from experts and challenging circumstances, the resilient rider is determined to prove herself as she pursues her goal of winning a national jumping championship.
Throughout the film, audiences witness the protagonist's unwavering dedication and perseverance as she navigates the competitive world of equestrian sports. Fueled by her passion for riding and an unyielding spirit, she defies the odds and overcomes numerous obstacles along the way.
As the story unfolds, viewers are taken on an emotional journey filled with triumphs, setbacks, and ultimately, the realization of her dreams. A Sunday Horse is a compelling tale of strength, resilience, and the power of believing in oneself, making it a must-watch for anyone seeking an inspiring and heartwarming story.
Also Known As:
A Sunday HorseRelease Date:
06 Jun 2019Writers:
Fred T. Kuehnert, Susan Rhinehart